Chi Tea Organic Green Tea Liquid Extract: Antioxidants Boost & Cooling Help {Eat for Beauty}

Green Tea is famous for harboring all of these antioxidants benefits. It turns your bad cholesterol into the good kind. It is an aid in slimming diets. It is a tonic.
The problem sometimes is that you do not have the time or the possibility to brew your cup of tea. Another issue is that drinking a lot of green tea can be dehydrating as it contains a good amount of caffeine.
Enters Chi Tea Organic Green Tea standardized liquid extract...
It sounded very appealing a means to boost your basic water and get your daily dose of antioxidants on the go.
Chi Tea writes, "Chi Tea is a super anti-oxidant. One cup of concentrated chi tea green tea extract equals 12-15 cups of regular green tea. [...] Chi tea is additionally fortified with concentrated extracts of Goji berry, Astralagus and Lohan Kuo (a natural sweetener)."
After giving it a month or so a run we think it is a good product to keep in your beauty cupboard or travel suitcase. It does have a quick noticeable tonic effect. It is great to drink (add 30 drops minimum to a bottle of water or juice) once or twice a day, or as needed.
What we learned in our zeal to test its effects is that one must not replace simple water with Chi Tea-spiked water all the time. Nothing will replace the basic necessity of drinking pure water to clarify your complexion and maintain optimally supple skin.
It is also useful to point out that this liquid extract has a diuretic property, so do not use it when a bathroom will not be easily accessible! Astralagus is a mild diuretic that can also help reduce sweating. Goji is also a diuretic and purgative ingredient.
The extract seems also to have a balancing effect; Lo Han Kuo is drank in the summer in China to cool you down, so you do sense a balancing effect in the summer heat especially.
On the rejuvenating front, it seems to work in that direction if consumed in moderation otherwise, your complexion tends to turn not as healthy-looking as when you drink your daily mineral water.
The taste is slightly sweet and pleasant (it also contains Chinese licorice); it is best when drank in very diluted form as otherwise it can be a bit hard on the stomach.
A 2 oz. bottle of Chi Tea extract retails for $24.95 (sale price)
Great post. My friend Lilly told me about this blog a few weeks ago but this is the first time I'm visting. I'll undoubtedly be back.
Thanks! You're welcome!