Chanel Spring 2009 Bohemian Fantasy Makeup Collection - HNY 2009! - My Beauty Beliefs {New Beauty Products}

We have a ton of beauty stories waiting in the sidelines, but while we are still working on organizing things, here is our first post of 2009. Happy New Year 2009 to our beauty readers by the way! Right now you will see me more often on our perfume site The Scented Salamander but we are getting there. I love to write about beauty as I find it so relaxing and in a way more down to earth and simple than writing about perfume! I think also that beauty is very much about self-care and taking the time to breathe, slowing down the pace of things and regenerating yourself both physically and spiritually while sharing your passion (and tips) with others! Yep, the 9-year-old kid making beauty creams on the kitchen stove out of an old Harry-Potterish recipe book which contained poison recipes as well, that was me!
I tend to be more about skin care, hair care, and bath than makeup but I love, love color in general. In fact I am fascinated by manifestations of extreme beauty and dramatic effects. My natural inclination being to be rather, well, natural, I have come to admire more and more steely, willful beauties who do not have it all but who by dint of will achieve great style like for example...Elizabeth the First. They have what I like to call "Witty Beauty" and "Willful Beauty", in fact perhaps I should rename the blog after those concepts as they are central to my interest in beauty, those efforts put out by generations of women and men who affirmed their personalities through these endeavors.
Natural and organic products are also significant on my list of interests as I am intrigued, sometimes awed by plants and as a scent-oriented person I always appreciate the extra bonus of their aromatherapeutic properties.
But what about Chanel?
So this morning I had to post about the new 2009 Bohemian Fantasy Makeup Collection by Chanel when I saw the news landed in my mailbox and especially when I caught a glimpse of the new nail polish called Vendetta...

It looks like a luscious dramatic violet tint that immediately stands out from the crowd. Although I cannot tell how it looks in reality at this point, it definitely looks
I cannot help but see the V of Vendetta as an allusion to the V of the Vamp. Looks as iconic to me.
The Bohemian Fantasy collection is now available on the Chanel site. Vendetta is priced at $23.
Have a great year 2009!
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