Leonor Greyl Bain TS Shampooing: Oily Scalp, Dry Ends {Beauty Review - Hair - Shampoo}

Leonor Greyl hair products are pricier than average but on the other hand they do seem to deliver pretty consistently. As I had fond memories of their honey shampoo (Shampoing au Miel), a former staple product of mine and as I was looking at some of their shampoos, I decided to try their Bain TS Shampooing which targets the specific problem of people who get oily hair without really having oily hair, i.e. the curse of oily scalp and dry ends.
The excess sebum might be due to stress, pollution, an over-abrasive shampoo on your scalp which might be counteracted by the use of a soft baby shampoo except that your ends will still remain dry if you shy away from conditioners that might accelerate the greasing process. If you have long hair then the discrepancy between the roots and the ends becomes even more noticeable. Having said all that, I was a bit skeptical about the "engineering" of the solution and was wondering really how intelligent a shampoo can be...
If you want a shinier feel or more conditioning power, Leonor Greyl recommend a conditioning mask, which might be good to consider in the winter especially. They also suggest the use of Huile de Palme before the shampoo. I am a bit weary of an oil application before a shampoo but their products do seem to be well-studied so I might give it a go. I already purchased their Huile de Magnolia for the face and body because it smelled so nice and will report on it as well.
A 200 ml bottle is priced at $31. Only a little is needed -- they recommend 10 ml each time. You can find it at Beautyexclusive.com, Beautyhabit.com or Beautyofasite.com in the US
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