I spotted this cutesie vintage baby cereal bowl in Limoges porcelain in the window display of an antiques store while running an errand. The transfers are cute as can be but look at the cork -- I looked at it too for a second wondering what it was doing there until I realized it was there for a functional purpose.
For your baby to eat yummy warm cereals, only a hot bottle would do. The hollow plate can contain hot water and thus be turned into a hot-bottle-cum-hot-plate. Imagine a time when there were no microwave ovens, when perhaps the heating system left to be desired, this smart Limoges bowl would take care of all the slow eaters in the world. Come to think of it, even at a time when there are microwave ovens, this might just be the best solution yet.
I can just hear the traditional rhyme: Une cuillerée pour maman, une cuillerée pour papa, une cuillerée pour ta grande soeur etc...(A spoonful for mommy etc.)