Scented Quote of the Day, from Gustave Flaubert:

"It was for him that she would file her nails with the care of a chaser and that there was never enough cold cream on her skin, or patchouli scenting her handkerchiefs. She would weigh herself down with bracelets, rings, necklaces. When he was set to come, she would fill her two big blue glass vases with roses and arranged her apartment and herself like a courtesan waiting for a prince." (Our translation)

"C'était pour lui qu'elle se limait les ongles avec un soin de ciseleur, et qu'il n'y avait jamais assez de cold-cream sur sa peau, ni de patchouli dans ses mouchoirs. Elle se chargeait de bracelets, de bagues, de colliers. Quand il devait venir, elle emplissait de roses ses deux grands vases de verre bleu, et disposait son appartement et sa personne comme une courtisane qui attend un prince."

In Madame Bovary

Picture is from

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