Scented (Good) Thoughts: Mother's Day Fundraising for Orphans of America
This is just a small reminder that on Mother's Day, Sunday May 14, a group of participating perfume and beauty blogs will each be fundraising for the charity of their choice. For each comment that you will leave here, $1 will be donated to the Orphan Foundation of America. There will also be a drawing for a 1 oz bottle of Eau de Patou, a hard to find fragrance (sorry, it's the only size I was able to find).The event was initiated and organized by Katie from Scentzilla!

Orphan Foundation of America has served thousands of foster teens all across the United States. From teaching youth how to balance a checkbook, write a resume, and apply for that first big job, to testifying before Congress and State Legislatures, OFA has long been a vocal champion of foster teens… Each year OFA and its scholarship partners award more funding and provide a stronger safety net for those pursuing post-secondary education.” OFA also received a four star rating from CharityNavigator, which can be viewed by clicking here. In addition to financial donations, OFA also has opportunities for knitters to donate the products of their artistry. There is additionally the option for women to join the Pink Panel, run by The Benchmarking Company, who will donate $5.00 to a scholarship fund run by the OFA each time a woman joins or fills out a beauty survey.
You can go to Benevolent Blogging for more detailed information on the participating blogs.
Here's a current list of participating blogs:
- Beauty Addict for Orphan Foundation of America
- Brain Trapped in Girl's Body
- Legerdenez for Orphan Foundation of America
- Perfumery for FINCA International
- The Scented Salamander for Orphan Foundation of America
- Scenteur 7 for Orphan Foundation of America *Participating May 10th through the
15th!* - Scentzilla! for FINCA International
- SmellyBlog for FINCA International
- The Soap Blog for UNIQUE
- Urban Chick for Womankind Worldwide *Participating May 12th ONLY*
- Victoria's Own for FINCA International
I work at a foster care agency, and I cannot tell you how important it is to help these young people become productive, self-sufficient adults. Too many emancipated youth end up back in the system, either in mental health facilities or in prison.
Emancipated youth are pretty much the "last frontier" in foster care. This country has so many resources and so much money, and I for one am happy that a "light" is finally being shined on this very special group of young people.
Thank you very much for your comment. I'm sure this will help people understand the situation better.