The Fifth Sense in the News: A Perfume Contest, Perfumes as Wedding Favors, More on Marie-Antoinette, Flowers can Improve Mood, a Pizza Perfume in the Works

• The Chicago Tribune is organizing a virtual perfume contest. You have until Thursday to submit up to 3 entries describing imaginary perfumes of your choices. The winner will get a bottle of the new Play-Doh scent.
• "For the first time American brides-to-be can design their own unique perfumes and use them as wedding favors. The favors are available for both men and women and are offered by fragrance for you in the UK. The new service is fully explained in a specially designed Website"
Source: PR Newswire 22 May 2006
• A short piece in the Sunday Times of 21 May 2006 on perfume historian Elisabeth de Feydeau's book, recently translated into English, A Scented Palace: The Secret History of Marie-Antoinette's Perfumer.
• A preliminary research in psychology shows that flowers improve mood in both men and women
Source: Orlando Sentinel 21 May 2006
• A restaurant chain in Lithuania plans to bottle the scent of freshly-baked pizza. They stress they want to tap into the happy emotions associated with the smell.
Source: Sunday Mercury, 21 May 2006
MA would wear Rose Angel if she were alive today??? Oh, say it ain't so! LOL!