Is there an English Version of Luca Turin's Parfums : Le Guide? {Ask Marie-Helene}

L. wrote:
Where can I obtain an English version of Luca Turin's Perfume Guide?
Dear L.,
To my knowledge Luca Turin has not allowed any English translation of his text to be done. (If any reader knows otherwise, please let us know). He himself attempted to translate excerpts of his guide on his now defunct blog, Perfume Notes, but it looks to me like he may not have had the time to do it himself although, at the same time, he didn't seem quite ready to let anyone else do the translation for him. He considers that an author is not necessarily the best translator of his own work. I am guessing that it might be easier (less tedious) in a way for him to just re-write a new version of it in English or an entirely different guide in English...
Luca Turin's Perfume Notes
You can also read some of his English prose in his new book, The Secret of Scent. Although it has a more scientific scope, my understanding is that he continues to use a very evocative style in his descriptions of scents and smells. It is sort of available on (2 used copies currently) but is officially only available in the US for pre-ordering. You can purchase it from the Guardian online store. Please see my previous post about it here.
Mimi Froufrou