Scented Images: Still Images from Perfume, the Movie (Das Parfum)

The old perfumer Baldini (played by Dustin Hoffman) seen in his office in the scene where he tries to analyze and copy Amor & Psyche by Pélissier, a perfume he perceives to be a masterpiece before his encounter with Jean-Baptiste Grenouille...

Baldini in his perfume lab with Grenouille teaching him the technique of distillation.
Grenouille practising the technique of enfleurage to capture the scent of flowers as he is working for the Arnulfi widow in Grasse.
H, thank you so much for these stills! I can't wait for the release of the film, as I loved the book and think Cyllian Murphy will be a good Grenouille. Still, I would have preferred an all-French crew - it's best to leave it up to the French to recreate 19th century France, don't you agree?
You're welcome! Maybe the French will do another one; that would be interesting, but not necessarily better IMO. And you meant to say in the 18th century I think.
Dustin Hoffman as Baldini...brilliant !
Cillian Murphy as Grenouille- WHAT were they thinking- maybe a reasonable actor, but WAY too pretty....P.U. !
Did I write 19th? Oops, I did mean the 18th century.
Just pointed it out in case other readers who don't know the story might get confused:)
I can't wait to see the movie! They have certainly prettied up Grenouille. He is supposed to be very ugly. I wonder who would have been a better cast regarding physical appearance?
Cillian (sp?) is far from ugly, but he does have that dark, hard, monomaniacal look in his eyes, very intense. I keep trying to cast someone Grenouille-ugly in my mind, but nothing comes. Vincent Cassel would fit physically (or is he too tall?) but he is overtly agressive, rather than being a contemplative, silent murderer. Jeremy Renier? Or that kid who played opposite Vanessa Paradis in that film where she's a hooker who has to take care of her "colleague's" son? I'm not usually terrible w/ names :-)
that's not Cillian Murphy - it's Ben Whishaw, who once played Keith Richards.
Oh lordie, that IS Ben Whishaw, not CM! I cannot believe I was so stupid!
OK, folks-
NO ONE could do it better than Geoffrey Rush !
Geofrrey Rush is a genius, but isn't he a wee bit old for the part?
Geoffrey Rush is a genius, but isn't he a wee bit old for the part?
Mimi, a wonderful coup for you to have these pictures -- I posted on my natural perfumers group, so they shall all be visiting the SS and sniffing what you have to offer.
What wonderful stills from the movie, so evocative for the perfumer or lover of perfumes and their history.
I love the pictures too. I think that for a perfume aficionado they are just dreamy. Thanks for linking up to TSS!
The book was so very dark, I'm hoping that the movie can replicate the mood. Dustin Hoffman will draw the American audience with familiarity appeal, but Grenouille has to carry it, I would think. I'm glad that he's not as ugly as he is portrayed in the book. Having no personal scent is bad enough.
The book was so very dark, I'm hoping that the movie can replicate the mood. Dustin Hoffman will draw the American audience with familiarity appeal, but Grenouille has to carry it, I would think. I'm glad that he's not as ugly as he is portrayed in the book. Having no personal scent is bad enough.
I thought that if Johnny Depp went through a proper make over he would be my choice as a Grenouille. If anyone can play dark roles, and morph into any appearance (albeit his good looks in real life - did you see "The Libertine"?! - he gets quite greusome there ) that would be my pick. And what about his talent for accents?! He's also a Franchophile and lives most of the time in France.
What could be better?!
Actually before I found out that a movie was in the making I had always thought to myself how I wish Perfume were made into a film - because the part pf Grenouille was made for Depp.
I thought that if Johnny Depp went through a proper make over he would be my choice as a Grenouille. If anyone can play dark roles, and morph into any appearance (albeit his good looks in real life - did you see "The Libertine"?! - he gets quite greusome there ) that would be my pick. And what about his talent for accents?! He's also a Franchophile and lives most of the time in France.
What could be better?!
Actually before I found out that a movie was in the making I had always thought to myself how I wish Perfume were made into a film - because the part pf Grenouille was made for Depp.
You know I think that, that might actually work. I agree that Depp can bring a dark coloring to a movie although I also think that he is still a bit green and "clean" and could develop more depth in his roles. I saw part of The Libetine; there were moments when he was good and others when he didn't seem to be really embracing his role fully. Perhaps with a great director this could be improved.
The actor who played his servant in the movie was absolutely great on the other hand. Gosh, what's his name? He should be payed a better tribute than that:) Is it Jack Davenport?
In the novel, Grenouille is supposed to be ugly as sin and then later become disfigured by his illness. In as much as Depp could be disfigured for the role yet presumably retain his innate sexiness, that might make for an interesting character composition. From the perspective of the spectator that might be effective too. They made Grenouille so PC-looking for the movie, it's a shame.