Driven by Avon {New Celebrity Perfume}

Derek Jeter from the New York Yankees is launching his first fragrance called Driven by Avon. The new perfume includes notes of grapefruit, oakmoss, and spice. It will be on sale at the end of November 2006.
Jeter says that "When I was approached and decided to do it, I decided to be involved in everything -- the scent, the packaging, the logo, the bottle. I knew what I wanted. I didn't want it to overtake a room. I wanted it to be clean and sophisticated". He also thinks that "A good fragrance can give you confidence".
You can read more of his interview here.
On November 23rd, my birthday, my fragrance named Nobody of the Week will be launched. It will be a LE and will be available only for one week on my website (still in construction). Every buyer will get a signed photograph of me and my cat.
Seriously, this celeb perfume trend is getting ridiculous. J.Lo I know, but who is Hilary Duff? I never saw a movie with her or heard a song or something. I know her only from her regular appearances at Go Fug Yourself.
And now this guy...
In this country Jeter and Duff are famous. Your comment is a good reminder that it may not be the case at the international level.
First off, he plays for the New York Yankees. Why would an individual such as myself who is a diehard Boston Red Sox fan or any of the Boston Red Sox faithful ever, ever consider purchasing this cologne or any products endorsed by members of the New York Yankees and further make the "enemies" of our team any richer than they already are. Furthermore, hey Derek Jeter, what the hell do you know about perfumes when you smell like sweat after playing for close to three hours on average a game in sometimes one hundred plus degree farenheit weather. This is just plain unadulterated arrogance. You have more money than God, The Pope and The U. S. Treasury combined. Everyone knows of you within and without the U. S. sports community. Is it that New York attitude that is getting to you?!! I think it is.
First off, he plays for the New York Yankees. Why would an individual such as myself who is a diehard Boston Red Sox fan or any of the Boston Red Sox faithful ever, ever consider purchasing this cologne or any products endorsed by members of the New York Yankees and further make the "enemies" of our team any richer than they already are. Furthermore, hey Derek Jeter, what the hell do you know about perfumes when you smell like sweat after playing for close to three hours on average a game in sometimes one hundred plus degree farenheit weather. This is just plain unadulterated arrogance. You have more money than God, The Pope and The U. S. Treasury combined. Everyone knows of you within and without the U. S. sports community. Is it that New York attitude that is getting to you?!! I think it is.
derek jeter is awesome and everyone should buy his product. Go Jeter!