New Aedes Magazine {Fragrance News}

The famed perfume shop frequented by celebrities and perfume connoisseurs alike Aedes de Venustas has now an online magazine called Aedes Magazine. Visiting their site this morning I was so struck by the beauty of their cover representing a peacock that I stayed there contemplating it until finally the system had to redirect me to its contents; I could have remained lost in my contemplation for a few minutes more....
You can acquaint yourself with the new glossy by clicking here: Aedes Magazine
The concept of the magazine is essentially commercial but you can also find some extra insider's information about perfumers, designers, and the fragrances themselves. Photographic llustration is beautiful. I think this is the second time I use the notion of beauty to describe the magazine. So yes, it is a feast for the eyes and a great visual preparation for the enjoyment of fragrances.
I just got ahold of the paper version of the mag; it is more like a booklet and it is very well illustrated with features not contained in the online magazine.
What beautiful pictures they have... Thanks for tipping us off to this visual treat !
It is indeed ravishing.
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I always have terrible trouble with comment-related plugins that require me to put some line in the comment loop; I can never seem to find the right spot. Can anyone tell me where I should put the php line in my comments loop? I haven not modified anything much, and I would be very grateful. Thanks!