Guerlain Has Decided to Appeal Against the Judgement on Insolence {Fragrance News}

Guerlain has appealed against the judgement made by the Paris's Court of First Instance. This means that Insolence meanwhile will not be withdrawn from the shelves....
The flacon of Insolence would have been in fact inspired by a sculpture made by Serge Mansau, the bottle's designer, in 1973 as well as by studies of perfume bottles he made in 1996. The problem is that Guerlain cannot prove what the date and nature of the creation were because the blueprint for the flacon was registered in the form of a sealed envelope (pli cacheté CNISF) and the stocking site for these was destroyed in a fire in 2002.
You can take a peak at the said sculpture by Serge Mansau. He is one of the most important perfume flacon designers to date so the news come as quite of a shock. On the face of it, he seems to be one of the last persons on earth to need to copy given his creative mind.
For examples of his work, you can take a look at the prestige edition of the Parfum des Merveilles by Hermès, the collector's edition of 24, Faubourg by Hermès, and Balahé by Léonard.
Sources:, Chroniques de la Propriété Intellectuelle
As much as I love Guerlain and hate to see them bothered by things like these...I was actually glad that the bottle would be axed. I swear it made me appreciate the scent a little less than I maybe could were it put in a tastefull bee-bottle or something. It's just and frilly.
You have a point there. The bottle is interesting but it may not be the best fit for the perfume.
Marina, I suspect you want to go back to the classic image of Guerlain while they were trying to get away from it:)