I'm hoping you can help me learn more about Nina Ricci's Coeur Joie. I think it was very important before 1960. My friend is trying to find it, or something very much like it, for his wife's birthday. It is her all-time...
November 2006 Archives
Absolument Absinthe by Absolument {New Perfume}
Following the success of the reintroduction of the mythical absinthe alcohol in France in 1999 after an eclipse of 84 years with the adapted version by Pascal Rolland called Versinthe, a further step was taken to offer a perfume...
Très Russe by Institut Très Bien {New Perfume}
Following the creation of their three upscale historical colognes called Colognes à la Russe, à la Française, et à L'Italienne, Institut Très Bien has now released a new concoction called Très Russe (Very Russian) which is a variation on...
Madonna Nudes 1979 by Mypa {New Perfumes}
The Mypa brand has launched a mass-marketed collection of four fragrances inspired by the encounter in 1979 of then unknown Madonna with photographer Martin Schreiber. They met to work on a series of nude photos. The perfumes are called...
Ruban D'Orange by L'Occitane {New Perfume}
The latest fragrance release by L'Occitane is an eau de toilette called Ruban D'Orange (Orange Ribbon). It is meant to be an impression of the streets and gardens of Sevilla. The scent is described as being fresh, sparkly, and...

1776 by Elsha - Tar & Smoke {Perfume Review & Musings} {Men's Cologne of the Week}
1776 Cologne by Elsha, a Throwback Cologne to Imperial Russia ©The Scented Salamander 1776 is the name of a Russian leather fragrance issued by Elsha which has a confidential yet certain cult following among fragrance aficionados. The information provided...
Perfumista on a Shoestring: If You Love Soir de Lune by Sisley, You Might Settle (for a time) for L'Arte di Gucci by Gucci or Even Gucci III
Despite the title of this post, honestly, in this case I would recommend that you save your pennies to get Sisley Soir De Lune when you can because it is hard to settle for something less impressive once you...
NYT Article about Black Orchid by Tom Ford {The 5th Sense in the News}
For those of you who would like to get a little bit more background information on the latest perfume by Tom Ford, Black Orchid, there is an article in the New York Times by Natasha Singer.Tom Ford Black Orchid Is...
Perfume Pouch by Aroma M {Fragrant Shopping & Gift Ideas} {Countdown to the Holidays}
The Scented Salamander has spotted these elegant and ecological silk pouches made out of recycled vintage Geisha kimonos from the 1930s-1960s, all hand-sewn. You can use them to carry purse-sized perfume bottles or a compact mirror to avoid scratching...
Eaux Nacrée, Perlée, Givrée, Boisée, Epicée, & Irisée by Jardin de France
Jardin de France has released 6 new eaux de toilette called Eau Nacrée, Eau Perlée, Eau Givrée, Eau Boisée, Eau Epicée, & Eau Irisée. Two are meant to be worn by women, two others by men, and the last...
Functional Candy & Gum by Fuwarinka {Fragrant Shopping & Gift Ideas} {Countdown to the Holidays}
The Japanese brand Fuwarinka has taken the classic concept of the fragrant chewing gum to the next level: chewing some gum should not only freshen your mouth, it should do the same job for your whole body.... ...
Review of Cicamosa Repairing Emulsion by Lutsine {Beauty Notes}
Ever wanted to speed up the healing process after you got a scratch, a small wound, or acne spot on your face (or elsewhere for that matter) to get your even complexion back faster than mother nature initially intended...
The Holiday Favorites Collection by Estée Lauder {Fragrant Shopping & Gift Ideas} {Countdown to the Holidays}
It's that exhilarating time of the year again.To get into the holiday spirit The Scented Salamander is going to go window shopping and bring you some gift ideas. It's always a good idea to shop in advance for the...

Black Orchid by Tom Ford {Perfume Review & Musings}
Black Orchid, as its name promises to deliver, is a dark voluptuous perfume with all the attributes necessary to become the scent of choice of a film-noir femme fatale. The perfume seems to play from the outset with the...
{Perfume Quote of the Day} from Colette:
The writer Colette reports that the scent of the lilies were so heady in the garden of her mother, Sidonie, that the latter would ask her to shut out their smell by closing the garden gate a little and...