Balade Créole by Esteban {New Perfume}

Decidedly, Esteban works in a prolific mode this year; the house will also launch a new home fragrance called Balade Créole (Creole Stroll) this spring.
Source: Osmoz
Decidedly, Esteban works in a prolific mode this year; the house will also launch a new home fragrance called Balade Créole (Creole Stroll) this spring.
Source: Osmoz
Great. I like their 'Le Bain' fragrance collection (Sensuelle Russie is actually my favorite). Notwithstanding, it seems that Balade Créole is for the house not for the body, but it is not specified in your review.
- ambroxan
Great. I like their 'Le Bain' fragrance collection (Sensuelle Russie is actually my favorite). Notwithstanding, it seems that Balade Créole is for the house not for the body, but it is not specified in your review.
- ambroxan
Thanks! I was wondering about that. It is not specified on Osmoz and well, I did not feel like calling Esteban immediately to check out that and the prices too:)
I'll add the info. Did you sniff it?
Yes, I think it is.
"This spring, fragrance brand Esteban will be introducing an exotic and colorful new home fragrance christened ‘balade créole’...
I wrote the remark (twice, sorry!) cause I saw it also on osMoz this morning
can anyone tell me where to find the product from esteban anywhere in USA?