The Scented Salamander Has Been Nominated Best Fragrance Blog In The 7th Annual Basenotes Awards {Fragrance News}

Dear Friends,
Well, ain't it the day! I learned today that The Scented Salamander has (also) been nominated Best Fragrance Blog in the 7th Annual Basenotes Awards. Thank you very much to the readers of Basenotes and TSS that voted for us. The votes are all in now and so I will not need to ask for any more votes (unlike for the Glam Awards), just express my thanks to all of you that make this adventure in fragrance community-building such a joyful experience.
You can find a list of the nominees in the different categories by clicking here.
Much Love,
Kudos to you !
Isn't it great to be appreciated?
Hi Chaya,
It's a very positive feeling and energy I'm feeling I must say! It's a great encouragement.
Chere Marie- Helene,
Felicitations ! Quelle bonne surprise pour vous !
Bonne Chance !
Madelyn (Madeleine ) E
Oui, c'est une bonne surprise:)