Liberté by Cacharel {New Perfume}

Cacharel will release a new perfume this spring called Liberté (Freedom). The brand plans to target the group of women who are between the ages of 25 and 35.
Their classic scent Anaïs Anaïs is now reportedly mostly worn by women in their forties. This is an interesting fact to note as the fragrance was initially marketed to young women or very fresh-looking "jeunes filles en fleurs" when it launched in 1978. Apparently attachment to the fragrance is key in explaining its continued appeal rather than the scent itself being perceived as a "young" one by the new generations.....
Liberté was created by Domitille Bertier and Olivier Polge of IFF. The perfume is said to inaugurate an unusual olfactory family which was dubbed an "orange chypre". One could feel that Mandarine Mandarin by Serge Lutens was already going in that direction.
"Although Europe is expected to be the fragrance’s primary market—with the goal of reaching the top-10 in France—the brand also has high hopes for the US, where there will be significant support."
The scent will launch worldwide in April 2007 and reach the US in the second half of 2007.
Source: Cosmetic News
Photos are from and
Dear Marie- Helene,
The role and concept of marketing or "bringing something to life i" has always played a integral part of my life as I work for a major corporation.
I tend to feel "old" upon reading of Cacharel's new Liberty aimed at the decidedly younger female consumer.
Truth be told - I was enraptured by Anais Anais and wore it with gay abandon from 1981 through about 1984 - in my late 20's.
A spritz would catapult me back to my cartefree youth.
It is true that with age tastes evolve.
Indeed I prefer heavier more mature scents now - I even surprised myself how I came to bond with Guerlain L'heure Bleue- always a heavy scent in my mind.
I am curious to sniff this new one - I hope that maybe a company would target a scent to the 45+ woman
Dear Madelyn,
I think I have seen a report not long ago that indicated that women in the bracket age of 40+ have actually the most purchasing power, so perhaps mentalities will evolve. The thing is that younger women spend a lot on cosmetics and perfumes obviously because they are more in search of themselves and in the dating game.
I am eager too to try Liberté. Anaïs Anaïs and Lou Lou I wore at some point.
Anaïs Anaïs makes me think of a lighthearted spring day in Paris when the air is soft, you have just had a café au lait at a café terrace and you are crossing the street between le café de la Mairie and Place Saint Sulpice....