Roundup of Comments: The Reformulation of Mitsouko by Guerlain is Publicly Confirmed {The Readers Talk Back}

One of the comments we received lately is about the reformulation of Mitsouko. A reader, Twitchly, wrote to Guerlain and received an answer from Isabelle Rousseau from Customer Relationship. Here is the comment and the correspondence:
"Guerlain recently confirmed in email to me that they have indeed reformulated Mitsouko. If you read between the lines, it's apparent that they have removed the oakmoss, at the very least. Here is the text:.......
Dear Madam,
I acknowledge receipt of your mail dated 11/6/2006 and I thank you for sending it.
Further to your letter regarding a mythic and historical perfume in Guerlain, MITSOUKO, I have the pleasure to answer to your request.
MITSOUKO was created in 1919. How can we remain loyal to this perfume after 90 years of existence?
As you may know, Guerlain has combined for years, two essentials values: Tradition and Modernity.
Tradition is quality in the olfactive elaboration of every Guerlain perfume, in the respect of know-how and heritage.
Modernity is to strictly respect European Legislation in order to give you comfort and satisfaction.
So, MITSOUKO had the chance to benefit of the most recent olfactory innovation, so as to respect its past and to be in accordance with European Regulation.
Thank you for your interest in our brand.
Yours faithfully,
Customer Relationship Department
You can read the post and the thread regarding the discussion of this issue here: Te Deum for Mitsouko
Many thanks to Twitchly!
Picture is from the French department at the University of Hong-Kong. The advertising copy reads: "The secret of charm is to not unveil everything."
Do you know when Mitsouko was reformulated?
Thank you for posting this important news. Many fans of vintage scents can now know they are not mistaken, the perfume really has changed! I am so glad that so many of these vintage fragrance manufactures tended to produce superior products with fantastic shelf life. Many vintage perfumes survive in stunning, very wearable condition.
No, I don't. If I get that information I will let you know.
I agree; I have perfumes that are a quarter century old, kept without any particular precautions, i.e., normally, and they still smell great!
It's great that Twitchly followed up on the discussion that way:)
Well, I've been in unofficial mourning over Mitsouko for a year, and now I can make it official, and wear black. I will not stop crying for a week and I will hoard my last bottle of the real juice as if it were Inca gold.
Now at least you can put a name on your sense of discomfort:)
I hope they find a way of improving the new formulation.