The Scented Salamander Is Celebrating A Year of Perfume Blogging with a New Perfume Review Index {Fragrance News}

Dear Readers,
Yesterday was the first anniversary of The Scented Salamander. We wanted to thank you all for your support for and contributions to the blog!
We celebrated by putting together an Index of Perfume Reviews that had been requested by readers for some time. It includes the more developed accounts, but you can continue to find numerous other fragrance references by searching the blog.
Perfume Reviews - Perfume Houses A to H
Perfume Reviews - Perfume Houses I to P
Perfume Reviews - Perfume Houses Q to Z
May this coming year be a beautifully and creatively fragrant one for all perfume lovers!
All the best,
Picture is by Fafrowicz and from
Congratulations on your first year~ Wishing you many more!
Congratulations on one year of love's labors [well-spent, and much appreciated !]...
Thanks very much Julie!
Thank you! You're right to point out our attraction for perfumes is as mysterious as love.
Happy Anniversary! Looks good!
Thanks! It feels nice too:)
Dear Marie-Helene,
Felicitations !
As you know , I really enjoy your Scented Salamander. It is so sophiticated and informative on all that is our love of perfume.
I know I can count on you for the most current releases - as well as analyses. In short, the intellectual 's guide to fragrance !
I will have a glass of (French ) champagne tonighttoasting to your 1st anniversary ~~
Dear Madelyn,
You are so kind! Thank you very much! A votre santé!
Dear M-H,
So sorry I'm late to les felicitations! I wish you a happy 1st birthday, you toddler you! :-)
Keep on tantalizing us with your provocative, evocative, intellectual and witty writing!
Thanks Dusan!