Volo Az 686 & Alba by Pro Fumum Roma {New Fragrances}

Profumum or Pro Fumum Roma a niche Italian brand of perfumes specializing in scents of outstanding quality has released two new perfumes called Volo Az 686 and Alba. To read more about the history of the brand check our previous post.......
Volo Az 686 is named after a direct flight from Rome to the Caribbean. It is a tropical scent with notes of gardenia, coconut, vanilla. "Images that blend with the scent from coconut palms and flowers of thousand colors, the swing of a hammock and a cocktail in my hand...the loudspeaker is calling the Volo Az 686."
Alba draws on a woody theme. "The darkness that covers the wood and the moors of the forest ripped by the golden ray of the sun that filtering into the foliage of secular oaks, recreates an ancient magic of light. It is called the dawn."
Sources: Pro Fumum Roma website, ALzD (see for more descriptions in German). Luckyscent has a large selection of these scents including recent ones (but not Volo and Alba)
i want a scent with coconut in it, and i wonder if this one would be just the right amount, because you definitely don't need too much coconut, but just the right amount, i think, would be splendid.
i want a scent with coconut in it, and i wonder if volo az 686would be just the right amount, because you definitely don't need too much coconut, but just the right amount, i think, would be splendid.