Vogue en Beauté: Exhibition & Book by Georges Vigarello {Scented Paths & Fragrant Addresses} {Fragrant Reading}
Vogue Magazine, Sephora, and the BNF (Bibliothèque Nationale de France/French National Library) have partnered up to organize an exhibition called Vogue en Beauté on fashion photography that includes a hundred works by the likes of Man Ray, Guy Bourdin, Helmut Newton, Peter Lindbergh, Mario Testino. It covers the period from 1920 to 2007......
There is a companion book to the exhibition authored by Georges Vigarello, a specialist of the history of the body and hygiene. It so happens that we have been reading a seminal work of his entitled Le Propre et Le Sale (Dirtiness and Cleanliness) that we intend to review on the blog. His latest book is entitled Vogue en Beauté 1920-2007, Ramsay (37.05 Euros).
The exhibition runs from June 12th to September the 2nd 2007.
Du 12 juin au 2 septembre 2007 à la Bibliothèque nationale de France. Accès libre de 10 h à 20 h du mardi au samedi et de 13h à 19h le dimanche.