Nordstrom Is Coming to Natick, MA, So Long Filene's Basement {Shopping Tips}

Some good news for local perfumistas and shoppers in general; Nordstrom is coming to northern New England, to Natick, MA. Mark your calendars, the Grand Opening will take place on September 7, 2007 at 10 am!
We've heard good things about their sample programs and this will widen the available selection of fragrances......
Nordstrom Natick Collection
290 Speen Street
Natick, MA 01760
(508) 318-2600
In related news, the venerable Filene's Basement in downtown Boston will close down according to one source at the end of August 2007 in its 99th year and for a duration of two years to undergo renovation works. This is the place which reportedly invented discount selling. Last time we checked they still had a sizable stock of discounted Annick Goutal fragrances.
We hope they will keep the photographic mural of turn-of-the-century Filene's Basement storefront in the subway with the Belle Epoque hatted ladies and gents going about their businesses!
I can vouch for Nordstrom's fragerance department - they actually make an effort to train the SA's and they have a very good selection. Unlike Saks they don't look down at you for the crime of walking in their door, either. Customer service is more than just a myth at Nordy's - we love it here in the Northwest!
Thanks Donna. Sounds great!
Nordstrom's at Tysons Corner Center (McLean,VA) and at Pentagon City Mall (Arlington, VA) have a great selection. But the Nordstrom's at Dulles Town Center (Sterling, VA) is pathetic. I don't understand why they even bothered to build that store. Its fragrance department is similiar to Macy's - for example, it carries just the latest releases - not of the older Guerlains that the McLean and Arlington stores carry. The entire store in Sterling is so bad, when I wanted a spiffy evening dress to wear on a cruise, I went to the Nordstrom's in McLean, even though I live much closer to the Nordy's in Sterling. The shoe department is pathetic. Whenever I plan to do some serious shopping, I alwasy go to the Nordstrom's at Tyson's Corner Center. I rarely find anything at the one at Dulles Town Center.
Thanks! Good to know. Hope that they will show us a little Nordstrom pride here in MA!