Interview with Joe Wright about Coco Mademoiselle {The 5th Sense in the News}

You can read an interview with movie director Joe Wright who, fragrance-wise, directed the new commercial ad for Coco Mademoiselle with Keira Knightly after having worked with her on Pride and Prejudice and Atonement. You will also find the key to understanding Knightly's famous pout.....
Chanel artistic director Jacques Helleu picked the actress as he was so struck by her natural charm in Pride and Prejudice that came through despite the lack of sophistication of her wardrobe and makeup.
His scented thought of the day is, in answer to the question:
What is your relationship to fragrance?
It must be in complete harmony with the person who wears it. My girlfriend has her very own scent and I think I fell in love with it!
(Photo is from the BBC)