New Opi Pink of Hearts for Breast Cancer Awareness Month + Contest {Beauty Notes}

Opi is introducing a new color in October of 2007 called Pink of Hearts in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is a porcelain-like milky pink pastel and the caps are cutely decorated with pink ribbons to express the symbolism of the month. Isn't it appropriate that the color would evoke milk too? It makes us think of strawberry milk.....
Ladies Home Journal is organizing a contest on this occasion and will also make a $25 000 donation to Komen for the Cure,
Are you or someone you care about a breast cancer survivor? Send us your story in 500 words or less on why you feel you or they deserve a "Pamper Yourself in Pink" mani/pedi party in your own home.
One grand prize winner and up to ten friends will receive manicures and pedicures from a local nail specialist, featuring OPI’s newest color "Pink of Hearts". To complete the relaxing spa experience, we will cater in light snacks, pink lemonade and pink champagne. Each of your guests will receive a Ladies’ Home Journal mini manicure set, at-home nail care tips and a bottle of OPI’s "Pink of Hearts" nail color.
10 runner-ups will receive a Ladies’ Home Journal mini manicure set and a bottle of OPI’s "Pink of Hearts" nail color.
You can go here to enter the contest.