Virtual Visit of Coco Chanel's Appartment, New Coco Mademoiselle Film {Scented Images} {Update}
One is first literally led by the hand by an invisible guide for a virtual tour of Gabrielle Chanel's daytime apartment (she really lived at the Ritz). You start by climbing the famous Chanel mirrored staircase up into her den, located 31, rue Cambon......
The visit aims to be realistic, complete with the sound of muffled footsteps in the thick carpet and crackling fire burning in the fireplace. You are even invited to look up-close at certain objects like the Coromandel screens and antique crystal chandeliers, almost as if your nose were touching them.
Then there is the film Coco Mademoiselle by director Joe Wright with Keira Knightly. She enters the apartment from the window dressed in a white men's shirt and bowler hat and then cheekily throws her hat on a console, undresses, and chooses a dress while making a pout of indecision. She also chooses here jewelry and whimsically tries her necklace on her foot first etc. then meets her beau, kisses, and slyly dab his neck with Coco Mademoiselle etc. The movie ends on Keira Knightly walking in the streets of Paris at night and on a big visual of Coco Mademoiselle....It is a big production for a short movie.
The music used is the song L.O.V.E. sung by Joss Stone.
Finally, one can take a good look at behind-the-scene features and the making-of the movie. For example, they had to recreate the setting for the apartment rather than shoot the ad there.
I don't know when the site will be open to the public, but it's well worth a visit.
I asked them if I could publish the account name and password on the blog, but have not heard back from them yet!
I think this web is cool! I need to include her in a project on Franh People! TTYL!