Esteban Candles Shopping Tip & More from a Reader {Shopping Tip}

Refillable Teck & Tonka candle by Esteban, $35
We received a delightful heartwarming message from Annie H in which she offers a great shopping tip for candles. Plus there is currently a 50% off sale going on, on certain items at the place she recommends. Also the new Esteban Balade Créole candle just arrived! Here is her message,
"i always check your site and your suggestions. i love everything you have suggested.
i want to let you know, i found the most complete collection of esteban.
i found them when i was looking for a candle my friend gave me and googled
esteban candles........ Figuier Tardif (fig candle) by Esteban, $24

'gifts that make scents' . anyway, they have more esteban than i ever found on any other site!!!
even products i didn't know existed!
by the way, they have this awesome candle collection gift set with full of different votives by a
company named 'true' - it is very sexy -better than the picture itself. suede box and a nice ribbon. another
great gift.
that's it! thank you again for all your input.
Annie H.
Dear Annie,
Thank you so much. Your input is much appreciated. Just looking at their catalog for a few minutes makes you realize that you need more candles in your life!
Hope other readers will find this tip helpful too.
All the best,
Thanks so much! I haven't seen these since I was in Paris. I see the new Balade Creole candle in stock
(my sister hasn't been able to get this in Paris yet!)
I am an avid consumer of eucalyptus blue candles for the holidays, and they have them also....