New Personalized Clinique Photo Perfume Bottle {Fragrance News}

Clinique wants to use the surface of the Happy bottle to make it more personal and turn it into a reminder of happy memories. So for the holidays season they have come up with the concept of the perfume bottle-cum-photo album. You can add your favorite photo onto its glass surface and associate the scent of Happy with a treasured moment.
From the press release,
"...Now you can personalize your perfume with pictures of whatever makes you smile. Smell sweet each day while you gaze upon the picture of your pet, best friend, Mom or Dad – on a Clinique Happy bottle.
Available just in time for the holidays, it’s a fun way to add a touch of personalization to your favorite fragrance and makes the ordinary gift unique........
Curious how you can customize?
For a limited time, beginning this month, simply go to and follow the CLINIQUE HAPPY Personalized Photo Bottle links to get started. You can also follow this link to get there directly. Upload your digital photos, which can be rotated and cropped according to the dimensions of the bottle. Preview the final image before ordering your new bottle, which will be delivered to your door in two weeks."
It would be nice think Clinique came up with this idea on their own, but the fact is, I met with Estee Lauder over 4 years and presented this concept to them in a meeting with their senior vp of marketing. One of the slides presented in that confidential meeting is identical to the graphic above being used to sell this concept. I am now in the position of having to defend my rights to the intellectual property that was presented to Estee Lauder that has now found its way into the marketplace. I doubt it's the way Estee Lauder would have done business herself.
See for yourself the concept worked out in an even more elaborate way that doesn't require printing each bottle separately:
And I actually own a utility patent on my bottle design. So it's rather odd to be seeing this bottle in the marketplace after talking meetings with Estee Lauder that were arranged by the former head of the Fragrance Foundation.