Pawfum by Juicy Couture {New Pet Perfume} Polished Paws {Beauty Notes}

We already posted about Sexy Beast, a more recent perfume for dogs. Now Juicy Couture are also turning their attention towards this emerging segment of the market by launching a pet perfume called Pawfum together with a line of grooming products dubbed Juicy Crittoure, which even includes a pink nail polish for our clawed friends.
According to Perfumer & Flavorist Now,
"The Juicy Couture brand, attempting to cut through all the clutter, has already used emotional connections with consumers to expand its brand once again, this time to pets. “People are spending a tremendous amount on pet care,” said Fisher, introducing Juicy Crittoure Pets. Art Spiro (president of fragrance and cosmetics at Liz Claiborne) then spoke up, explaining that pet owners go to great lengths to pamper their pets, such as going to Whole Foods to fetch organic chicken for their dogs. Then Fisher cited a most telling study that found that 67% or respondents felt that their pets listened to them more than their spouses."
A 1 oz. bottle of Pawfum retails for $60. Numerous ancillaries and fashion accessories are available. A limited edition set called Doggy Jet Set is available for $200. Polished Paws retails for $14.
Man's best friend