Portrait of a PhD Candidate in Analytical Chemistry {The 5th Sense in the News}

There is an interesting portrait of a young woman scientist called Katharina Breme, who specializes in analytical chemistry. She just received a scholarship destined to women in science,"Pour les femmes et la science", and her work focuses on analyzing why certain molecules have a stronger olfactory impact than others. The human nose remaining the best instrument of analysis of aromas, she uses it and trains herself to smell using for reference the work by Jean-Noël Jaubert, Le champ des odeurs.....
Dear Miss Wagner,
what a surprise to find something on my work and "For Women in Science" on your homepage (which is, by the way, beautiful)!
Bonne continuation, Katharina
Dear Ms. Breme,
We were delighted to be able to point to your work.
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Bonne continuation à vous aussi!