8th Annual Basenotes Awards: Polling Booths Now Open {Fragrance News} - Updated

Basenotes, a perfume site which is part community forum, news, and both owner and user-generated database has opened its survey pages for its 8th Annual Awards. They are interested to know what you think about the following categories in 2007:
Best new fragrance (Masculine and Feminine)
Best overall fragrance (Masculine and Feminine)
Best fragrance for day (Masculine and Feminine)
Best fragrance for evening (Masculine and Feminine).........
Best designer, mainstream or fine fragrance (Masculine and Feminine)
Best niche, independent, artisan or boutique fragrance (Masculine and Feminine)
Best mass-market, drugstore, budget or direct-sell fragrance (Masculine and Feminine)
Best celebrity fragrance (Masculine and Feminine)
Best fragrance house
Best fragrance blog
A note on the "Best fragrance blog" category; the question they really ask in the middle of the survey is what is your "favorite" perfume blog, not what is the "best" blog and then they add the possibility to cast a vote for a beauty blog as well, which might be a bit confusing we thought compared to the title of the award. They really ask: "Which is your favourite fragrance or beauty blog?"
Update: Danielle Osborne suppressed the ambiguous question and just left "Best fragrance blog".
To encourage voting (until 31st of December 2007), one randomly selected participant in the survey will win a $250 gift certificate to spend at Fragrance Net. Results and winner will be announced at the beginning of February 2008.