Ruehl No. 925 Signature Scents Online, Amazing Prastara Royal Sale + Bonus for TSS Readers {Shopping Tips}
Ruehl No. 925, a division of Abercrombie & Fitch, has opened an e-commerce site and is now selling its duo of perfumes for her and for him online. Their Signature perfume retails for 1 oz. $ 34 and 3.4 oz. $ 68. R-4, the men's cologne, is available for 1.7 oz. $ 48 and 3.4 oz. $68........

Prastara Royal, a cologne created originally for Louis XIV ca. 1682 and resurrected by Douglas Hopkins, is being put on sale on eBay for the time of an exceptional sale that takes place every five years and lasts for a month according to the brand,
"This sale initiated last week with a special edition of our flagship men'scologne, the hand-wrapped wicker Prastara Royal, and will continue fourweeks with this and other selections. We are already receiving email fromestablished customers, amazed and thankful for the "bargains". For example,the flagship Prastara Royal bottle sold at $35; the closest store retail is$164."
"If buyer identifies themselves as a member of your site, they'll receive theshipping and handling free ($10), with a purchase limit of three bottles ofeach scent."