Merry Christmas! - Caron Nuit de Noël (1922) Advert, 1928 {Scented Images}

One of the most beautiful perfume ads ever: the flow of the garland, ribbon, and tassel all align suggesting lushness, richness, and elegant nonchalance as well as a subliminal cornucopia shape. The black and white contrast done in quasi religious chiaro-oscuro tones reflects the introspective qualities of the scent well. The image is even a bit haloed; the perfume and the decorations glow as if a pristine white light were shining through stained glass in a Scandinavian church set in a snowy landscape in a Dreyer's movie.
Image: eBay
Chere Marie-Helene,
Jpyeux Noel ! I bought Nuit De Noel yesterday for this time of year . Thank you for such a beautiful photo of this classic. Have you worn the extrsit ? Wouls you be able to kindly distinguish between the parfum and the EDT ?
Thank you.
Joyeux Noel, M-H! J'espere que tu auras beaucoup de cadeaux et beaucoup d'affection.
Et Bonne Annee!
Dear Madelyn,
Thank you for your good wishes. The same to you!
I plan to do a comparative review of Nuit de Noël, soon I hope.
Dear Helg,
Thank you, thank you! May you not be lacking in those things either!
Happy Holidays!