Paris Hilton Goes To Dadeland {Scented Images} {Scented Thoughts}

If one has had the good fortune of getting an advance copy of the upcoming book by Chandler Burr entitled The Perfect Scent (release date, Jan 22, 2008) focusing on two case studies of fragrance development in the industry, Un Jardin Sur Le Nil by Hermès and Lovely by Coty, one then gets the full meaning of what "going to Dadeland" might mean when it comes to boosting fragrance sales. Is Paris Hilton visiting Dadeland (and other malls for that matter currently) because she is eager to meet her fans and do a little fieldwork or in anticipation of through-the-roof sales and to thank her fans? Not quite........

There is a passage in the book by Burr where Dadeland appears as the typical example cited by Coty's Catherine Walsh as epitomizing Sarah Jessica Parker's commitment to seeing her first signature fragrance succeed in the market. Apparently you go to Dadeland only if you are desperate or inordinately committed to your perfume.
If you go to Dadeland it means you are going to the trenches, rolling up your sleeves and getting down and dirty because your product needs you, the celeb, to revive its sales. Sarah Jessica Parker is reported at one point to be willing to go down there if wimpy sales require it, asking, is there anything else she can do? Is her presence there needed? And Walsh, to stress SJP's extraordinary level of involvement then comments: but who would want to go to Dadeland (no offense meant to Dadeland), come on, not even she, Walsh, would do it. Well, it looks like Paris Hilton is a hard-working one and she did go to Dadeland to lend a helping hand to Can Can. Buy it if you love her.
Review of The Perfect Scent forthcoming