Fragrance & Beauty Trends in China: News In Brief {Fragrance News}

The top five best-seller fragrances in the 1st half of 2007 were: Chanel No. 5, J'Adore, Miracle, Chance, and Addict 2.
"Women’s fragrances dominate the industry in China. Looking at the first half of this year, the women’s fragrance market was nearly six times the size of the men’s market, but men’s fragrances captured more RMB share from January to June. The average price for prestige fragrances in China for the first six months of 2007 was 518 RMB ($69 U.S).
“I believe the fragrance industry in China is in its infancy. Culturally Chinese men and women don’t wear fragrance; it’s just not a priority,” said Wang. “Fragrance usage in China is more for special occasions and not something people do on a daily basis. However, it is an industry that is rapidly trying to change that, particularly in the male market. Just last year men’s fragrance specialized counters appeared at department stores, and we expect to see more growth in this area,” said Wang."
(Source: NPD)
Image: Duckdaotsu