Thierry Mugler Scatter Stars Across Blogalaxy + The Island Of Dr. Muglerstein {Fragrance News}

Thierry Mugler Parfums have a history of original marketing approach based on a solid belief in outreach going miles deeper than the easy smile flashed at their clientele during the time of a mere transaction or two. They have developed since 1992 clubs of Angel aficionados that regroup loyalists of the perfume, offering them seminars, previews, etc. The very year of the perfume launch, they decided to go on an Angel's Tour across France to boost a perfume that was slow to be adopted by perfumeries.
Now they are going a step further and realizing the importance of the 2.0 web, or at least betting on it, they are organizing a network of bloggers who can join a universe called Blogalaxy......
To motivate those bloggers who have already been identified as lovers of the brand Thierry Mugler, and invited to join in the group, they have set up a system that ascribes a star to each enlisted blogger. The star grows the more the corresponding blog is active, well-evaluated by readers and so on. A blogger, Marc Menant, from Passion Luxe, is featured in a video that you can watch below and explains that it is his love for luxury understood as being the quest for exquisite craftsmanship and hand-made products that motivates him. We can follow him on his way to a "Celestial Visit" with Thierry Mugler.
Judging from reactions visible on other videos, bloggers who did not even know Mugler decide to set up a blog or consider doing so to join Blogalaxy (membership is by invitation only but you can get an invitation from another blogger). Those who already appreciated the Mugler universe are further wowed by the magic experienced at the launch party. A girl feels simply wonderful about being in the Blogalaxy and seeing her star grow.
If you are to read in between the lines of what people say, it seems that Blogalaxy may help give Bloagalaxists a sense of place, affinities, and identity. In return, Thierry Mugler will no doubt generate more buzz from sources they control partially -- there is an ethical chart one must sign, which stipulates for example that Mugler can advertise on the blogs without any prior notice to the bloggers.
According to Cosmétique Hebdo, an English version of Blogalaxy will be created in 2008.
At the end of January 2008, Thierry Mugler will also be on Second Life with a universe called "L'Île du Docteur Muglerstein" (The Island of Dr. Muglerstein).