Barbara Bui Le Parfum Relaunch Project {Fragrance News}

Barbara Bui was able to recover its proprietary rights over its signature fragrance called Barbara Bui Le Parfum launched four years ago by group Parour. The brand was reproaching Parour of not having respected its advertising commitments. The issue was recently brought to a term thanks to a financial settlement. Barbara Bui is now looking for a new licensee with the plan to relaunch the perfume.
This is good news for perfume lovers as this incense fragrance had become popular among perfumistas' circles who bemoaned its discontinuation.
(via Fashion
That's great news! I wonder when they'll be able to relaunch. I'd like to buy a bottle this year, but I suppose next year or later would be a more realistic expectation.
When was this Barbara Bui Le Parfum article written?
Will they be relaunching this fragrance soon?
I've been a Must de Cartier parfum wearer for many years, 30 years... and this one, B.B. Le Parfum embodied the same type of comfort & essence as I felt with Must de Cartier.