Evangeline Lilly to Add Steam to Cool Water Woman {Fragrance News} {Celebrity Perfume}

After Josh Holloway became a spokesmodel for Davidoff Cool Water last year, it is now Lost's co-star Golden Globe-nominated Canadian actress Evangeline Lilly's turn to be the face of Cool Water Woman. She said reflecting upon the fragrance that it,.....
"definitely represents the juxtaposition between purity and sensuality, and there's that sort of fresh newness. On top of it, there's strength that's underneath it all, that is where sensuality comes from - versus just pure sexiness".
At least her comment shows that Lilly smelled the perfume.
Ad campaign is scheduled to start in July of 2008.
via Rte Entertainment ; pic from Buddy TV
one of my favorite fragrances! CooWater is so refreshing, especially for summer and spring