Lyn Harris Chez Elle {The 5th Sense in the News}

For those who follow perfumer or rather perfumier Lyn Harris of Miller Harris there is an article about her inner sanctum in The Independent. You get to catch a glimpse of her everyday surroundings as well as daily work schedule,.....
"Another eye-catching feature is the glass shelves filled with ranks of perfume bottles that catch the light like jewels. The lab, in the basement of one of her shops, is where Harris has created more than 20 fragrances and where she spends much of her working life. She does, however, value her time at home, where she says she spends quite a bit of time. "At night, when I'm home, I really like to be surrounded by my candles and to be able to wear a little bit of fragrance," she says. "I can't wear anything during the day because I'm in the lab so I really cherish weekends when I can set themes with scent."
Read more in The Independent on Sunday....
You can read our reviews of Coeur d'Eté and Fleurs de Sel, and an announcement about L'Air de Rien.
What is a perfumier? I don`t get the pun...
Well, actually it is the word being used in the article. It seems to belong to a newer usage. I think I saw Creed using it also. It looks like an attempt to give a more French turn to the word and to make it sound somewhat more distinguished.
She's cute !