Shiseido Hirosaki Sakura Monogatari (2008) {New Fragrance}

Cherry blossom viewing or Hanami is a delightful ancestral practice in Japan that extols the virtues of aesthetic and spiritual contemplation and takes place each spring. Further refinements involve the desired nearby presence of a temple or shrine and light effects at night.
Shiseido has released in conjunction with this event an eau de parfum called Hirosaki Sakura Monogatari (The Hirosaki Cherry Tale) in its local perfume series. It is inspired by the cherry blossoms of Hirosaki park, one of the most popular spots for hanami and was commissioned by Hirosaki Tourism and Convention Bureau and Cosmetics.....

"The perfume, which is sold at 2,100 yen [$20] per bottle, exudes a sweet fragrance -- a blend of the scent of cherry blossoms collected from a someiyoshino cherry tree in Hirosaki Park in April last year, and a touch of local apple blossom.During the annual cherry blossom festival, held between April 23 and May 5 this year, Hirosaki Park will show off 2,600 cherry trees of about 50 varieties, entertaining visitors from across the nation." (Mainichi)
Thanks to Y. for the translation!