The Fragrance & Film Festival by Vogue & The Fragrance Foundation {Fragrance News}

This year Vogue and US-based Fragrance Foundation are organizing a perfume film competition. You are asked to create a 2-3 mn short film telling a story about one of the nominated fragrances.
Before we go into further practical details we would like to point out that the list of 5 perfumes showcased on this dedicated website is only a shortened list of all the 2008 Fifi nominees which can be accessed in full on the Fragrance Foundation website.
It looks somehow odd to give preferential treatment to a pre-selected group of fragrances among the nominees and give them more exposure when the competition is still open. It in fact mimics the 5 finalist list in each category that will be announced at the end of April.....
It would be interesting to know why these were pre-selected for the festival: Paris Hilton Can Can, Gucci by Gucci, Missoni Acqua, Usher for Men, Usher for Women instead of reproducing the actual list of nominees.
It is also rather interesting and downright funny that the organizers do not hesitate to tell people that they want them to,
"tell a provocative, fantastical story..." but that,
"Your film should not contain any explicit content or showcase the fragrance in a negative light"
Talk about freedom of expression.
If you abide by the rules and your work is what the jury is looking for, you can then win a Grand Prize of $10 000, a trip for two to New York and an invitation to attend the 36th annual Fifi Awards.
Winner and runner-ups' films will be shown on Fragrance & Film Channel on
More information available on Fragrance & Film