The Scented Salamander's 2nd Anniversary - Nomination for the Glam Awards in Beauty {Fragrance News}

Dear Readers,
Today is The Scented Salamander's 2nd anniversary! Since the beginning of this site, millions of visitors have showed interest in one aspect or another of today's perfume and beauty culture by coming to visit this blog and news site. We have been cited by the websites of the Washington Post, The Toronto Star, New York Times,The Independent, The Student Organized Press...This is pretty cool considering perfume and aromas in general are such a niche topic.
We don't even receive too many hate comments or mail although someone recently shouted on a board that M-H should be gunned down for her review of Five O'Clock Au Gingembre. Wonderful! Perfume can be an engrossing topic after all. It is probably a failing on our part that we do not get more of these passionate comments.
A big, big thank you!
The 17th of March is also Saint Patrick's Day, so happy B-day to Saint Paddy!
Perfume trivia bit: it is also Alexander McQueen's birthday and on this day in 2003 the perfume Kingdom was launched to celebrate it. Happy B-day to both!
We also wanted to let you know that TSS has been nominated for the Glam Awards in the Beauty category. The Glam Media network has expanded from around 200 publishers at the time we joined to 450 or so now. Glam will now further develop as they just raised $85 million in private strategic financing.
If you like the work we do on this site, find it useful in any ways, please vote for us until April 10th, 2008! If you really like our site and want to encourage us even more you can vote for us every day! Each person is allowed to vote once every 24 hours here:
TSS was also nominated for the Fabbies Awards in the Beauty category back in January. You can still vote for us - only once however until April 31st, 2008 - here: -- you land on the main page and then find us in "Beauty". You also need to register. The site, I have to say, looks a little neglected. Too bad not all the nominated publishers advertised these awards in particular (although they are interested since they sent in their logos)!
Huge thank yous for everything,
The Scented Salamander team
To show our gratitude, please let us know what perfumes or products you would like us to review in priority and we will do our best to cover them in the future.
I voted! This is a great blog that I read daily and thoroughly enjoy.
Thank you!
It is very nice of to say so.