Cattier Bio-Certified Line of Perfumes (2008) {New Fragrances} {Green Products}

Cattier, a cosmetics brand established in 1968 and specializing in natural products derived from organic agriculture have launched a new line of perfumes which includes 6 different scents, which are bio-certified (see explanation below).
They are: Eau Boisée (cedar, patchouli, sandalwood), Eau de Mai (rose, ylang, lavender), Eau du Matin (mandarin, mint, sweet lime), Eau Champêtre (bergamot, geranium, patchouli), Eau de Provence (lavender, geranium, petitgrain), and Eau du Verger (orange, cardamom, geranium).....
All the perfumes in the range have received the Bio stamp of approval, which is the highest grade of certification a product can receive, above the Eco one, and which means that they comply with the principles expounded in the Cosmebio Chart.
The criteria for bio-certification are: a minimum of 95 % of natural ingredients or of natural origins, a minimum of 10 % of ingredients derived from organic agriculture, among those a minimum of 95 % must be from ingredients that are certifiable, and there can only be a maximum of 5% of synthetic ingredients.
Each perfume is priced at 22, 90 €. They are distributed through para-pharmacies and online.
Via Obstyles
Yum. That Eau Champetre (sorry for the missing accent circumflex) with patch and bergamot sound just yummy, and so does the Eau du Matin. And with the profoundly, clinically depressed dollar, they are still affordable.
They sound simple but the fact that they are highly natural goes well with this style.
I'll certainly give them a try at the next occasion.
I am going to post about another line that is even more affordable