Do-It-Yourself Professional Beauty Care Gets High-Tech {Beauty News}

Do you know No! No!, Zeno, Clarisonic and other such high-tech tools for the coquette or the coquet? The beauty market is now proposing new-wave sophisticated equipment to zap your hair, zits, and shrink your pores, among other things, with durable effect, they say. The beauty-gadget trend is hot and takes less room than in the past as you can see from the picture above from Popular Science dated Feb 1933, courtesy of Modern Mechanix (it looks like it's actually the same person in the middle and on the right - they ran short on extras).
Business people must have thought that for consumers used to handling cell-phones, Iphones etc. they could keep doing it but for other things as well......

These little machines are usually pricey but apparently well worth the expenses. We are planning to report on No! No! on this blog by the way. The next generation of electronic beauty helpers is going to be machines that can make your wrinkles look years younger.
"Like the FDA-approved Zeno, more and more high-tech cosmetic treatments previously only available through dermatologists and high-end spas are now being sold at drugstores and on the Internet.
Now consumers can zap away unwanted body hair or punish pimples with cellphone-sized gadgets in their own bathrooms. Wrinkle vanishing devices, the ultimate magic wand of cosmetic gadgetry, are also on the horizon, retailers say."
High-Tech Cosmetics Gadgets Move From Clinic to Home....
Do you have any favorite beauty gadgets or are dying to try a particular one?