eBay Risks Paying 80 Million Dollars In Damages {The 5th Sense in the News}

Photo © LVMH
It is no mystery that attempting to buy luxury items such as a Chanel perfume on eBay sold at heavily discounted prices is risky business. More often than not, they turn out to be fakes. Ebay has been plagued with accusations of laissez-faire and brought to court or nearly brought to court a few times already. Tomorrow is the big test; a French court will decide whether or not the auction site will need to be severely sanctioned for alleged damages caused to several French luxury groups,....
"The perfume brands Dior, Guerlain, Givenchy and Kenzo meanwhile believe that even when eBay sells their authentic products, it is doing so illegally because the companies only permit their goods to be sold through specialist dealers.
In 2007, eBay says, the total value of items sold on its trading platforms was nearly 60 billion dollars."
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