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Alexandre Menais Director of eBay Europe is reported to have said today that the French court ruling against his company, ordering them to pay over 60 million dollars in fine is "indecent". In consequence and while waiting for a ruling on their appeal, the often-dubbed "biggest garage sale on earth" will for now continue to carry perfumes from the Guerlain, Givenchy, Kenzo, and Dior brands all owned by LVMH. The latter through their spokesperson M. Malka have declared feeling "shocked" by eBay's decision to disregard the ruling and the law. eBay is insisting that LVMH is attempting to control distribution networks in an abusive fashion. (Via Fashionmag.fr)
See previous posts:
eBay Risks Paying 80 Million Dollars In Damages;
Landmark Ruling In Favor of Luxury BrandsPhoto © rmfphoto.net
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