Scented Quote of the Day About Guerlain Bon Vieux Temps...

A conversation is "overheard" during the Belle Epoque in 1903 between two persons wearing Bon Vieux Temps by Guerlain. Note how the perfume was worn in an unisex fashion and the coquettry surrounding perfume-wearing.
"'What a delicious fragrance', my dear, said I, because she smelled of that delightful perfume Bon Vieux Temps that I recognized immediately, as I use it myself.
'Yes, yes, my own special mixture', she answered condescendingly......
- "My congratulations on your taste, dear friend, it is quite simply perfect. Do you like mine?" I added, shaking out my lace handkerchief, also perfumed with Bon Vieux Temps.
- "My goodness, yes" she murmured, blushing, caught in her own trap.
- "And I can't even hide from you where I bought it because you know I only wear Guerlain."
La Semaine de l'Hippique, 1903 in Guerlain by Colette Fellous