Ministry of Sound Nightlife for Her & for Him (2008) {New Fragrances}

Ministry of Sound, a nightclub located in Elephant and Castle in South London, has introduced a duo of perfumes called Nightlife for Her and Nightlife for Him. They offer the particularity since 1991 of having "a non-alcoholic bar with a 24 hour dance licence and the highly-acclaimed sound system." (Wikipedia)....

The launch is accompanied by a social networking initiative (see their website) where one is invited to upload personal pictures of one's experience of real nightlife, then become part of the MoS's nightlife, and then share with friends.
The launch party took place on May 29th 2008 (see pictures). Both scents are described as being fruity and musky.
The perfumes are available at Superdrug at this time (but sold out right now).
Images: © Wireimage