For nature-lovers and strollers, a new edition of the temporary garden has been landscaped on the cobblestones of the capital city of France right in front of the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, complete with a pond. The garden this year illustrates the theme of biodiversity in the city and will be in place until August 17th 2008. There will even be a mini-golf set up when the Paris-Plage program starts in a few days. For more details and pictures please go to
L'Hôtel de ville au vert. For an interview with landscaper Martine Lambert, please go

At parc de Bagatelle, you are invited to vote for your three favorite roses, as well as for the best-scented one, within the program "Criterium du public." A voting bulletin is available at the park's entrance. Whoever comes up with the exact same selection as that of the professional panel will be invited to participate in that panel in 2009.
Parc de Bagatelle
Accès : Allée de Longchamp, route de Sèvres à Neuilly
Métro : Pont de Neuilly (ligne 1) puis bus 43
ou Porte Maillot (ligne 1) puis bus 244
Entrée gratuite sauf pendant les expositions
Plein tarif : 3 €
Tarif réduit : 1,50 €
Du 1er mars à l'horaire d'été : 9h30 à 18h30
De l'horaire d'été au 30 septembre : 9h30 à 20h