Happy 4th of July...And What does Skunk Cabbage Smell Like? {Scented Thoughts - Journal}

I took some olfactory notes on Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus Feotidus) or Swamp Cabbage. Depending on whether you smell the crushed leaves or stem, the smells differ slightly.
Despite its name, the plant is not repulsive at all, making you think more of savory culinary associations and wondering whether it might work in a recipe. This source indicates that Native Americans even used skunk cabbage as an underarm deodorant, which points in the direction of a buttery, garlicky aroma being considered attractive, as it is in some other cultures....
The stem itself releases aromas of what one could term "onion breath", pungent garlic, butter; the scent is also green and stem-y.
One of the interesting characteristics of this plant is that it displays thermogenesis. An explanation invoked for the existence of this mechanism is that it helps propagate the scent in the air. (see Wikipedia)
This was my olfactory notation of the day on the 4th of July... a little change from barbecue smells.