Schiaparelli Shocking Re-Launched By Haute Parfumerie {Fragrance News}

Shocking by Schiaparelli (1937), still currently available in its modernized form at discount stores, has now been re-launched in style and in its original formulation by the Roja Dove Haute Parfumerie at Urban Retreat at Harrods,
"Composed of over 500 ingredients, the original floral has been re-launched in a limited edition Baccarat numbered crystal bottle, the shape of which is based on the curvaceous torso of Mae West."Roja Dove is an expert in historical vintage fragrances and as announced earlier, we can also expect a careful reorchestration of yet another classic, Weil Zibeline, thanks to his endeavors.
For more information or mail order please telephone 020 7893 8797
Via Urban Retreat website
Reissuing a classic in its original formulation = good. Putting it in a super expensive fancy bottle = not so much, imho. Will there be any available in a plain Jane bottle at a semi-reasonable price, I wonder? Because this one is a great one, deserving of widespread appreciation.
It would be nice if Haute Parfumerie offered the option of buying the re-edited classics from fountains, like Caron or Bond No. 9, but it probably does not correspond to Roja Dove's vision of exclusivity and love of beautiful bottles. Although they could offer a sort of second-tier level of exclusivity with plainer more minimalist crystal bottles for example.
An aesthete would probably think that Shocking cannot be separated from its iconic bottle :)