Soap and Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Lip Gloss

There was this hell of a cute retro vintage packaging with all the catchy lines printed on it that can turn it into a billboard in any shopping aisle. It makes you think the lip gloss might be as trendy as the outside shell.
The reason I bought it was that it is so easy, too easy, to throw an untested tube of anything at Target into your cart...
It does have a tangible effect, the 1000-fine-needles-torture effect. This is an overly literal lip plumper that attempts to break the competition by overdosing on the tingle factor. It was simply unbearable to wear after a short while, unless unlike me, you are ready to imagine cruel little ants are dancing on your lips while you are smiling to people and thinking "Il faut souffrir pour être belle". It does have the effect of making you want to curse saying "Mother Pucker!" though, an insightful line in retrospect.
The amped-up pillow-y effect is obviously there, to some extent, because it hurts, but is not sustainable for the reasons cited above. The texture is overly sticky. The shine is on the patent-leather side of the idea but going in the direction of vinyl and plastic, and I thought that in this case, it lacked subtlety, like the rest of the product.
It ended up directly in the trash.
Funny but I like this product and was wondering what was in it to make it tingle. To me, it's like a little "icy hot" placed on the lips. Does it really plump? I like the shiny shine of it too.
I totally disagree with the earlier posting. Maybe Sexy Motherpucker is not for everyone, but it worked great on me. The 'tingle" did not bother me at all. Not only did I not throw it away, but I've recommended it to friends. When I wear it I get compared to Rosario Dawson, when I don't, I'm compared to the Asian guy from Smashing Pumpkins.
ok to be honest i do have a little bit on my lip which is sore (it is nearly healed) but one application and i was in agony for half an hour, and i saw no difference. i got it as part of a gift set from a friend. my lips aren't like angelina jolie's (who'd want that anyway?)but they aren't small either, and it just did nothing to even make them appear bigger. it works for some, others it doesn't